
陈佳林男,1987年生。东南大学医学院副教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向为利用组织工程原理实现富含胶原组织(肌腱、软骨、角膜等)的修复与再生,着重关注在此过程中物理微环境(力学、拓扑结构、基底硬度)对干细胞行为和分化命运的调控作用。已主持和参与国家自然科学基金委、科技部、省科技厅等各级项目 10 余项,发表SCI论文50余篇(总影响因子>450,被引3600余次,H指数29),其中一作和通讯论文30余篇(10分以上9篇),发表在 Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Advanced Science, Biomaterials, Bioactive Materials 等杂志

组织工程学(Tissue engineering),涉及到生物学、材料学和工程学等多学科,是指利用生物活性物质,通过体外培养或构建的方法,再造或者修复器官及组织的技术。






2024.01    2023年中华医学科技奖青年科技奖

2023.10    东南大学优秀本科生导师

2023.10    东南大学优秀导师(学习优秀生导师)

2023.01    东南大学2022年度校级优秀职工

2022.12    江苏省瑞华慈善基金会临床研究创新奖二等奖

2022.04    东大智能基金

2019.12    东南大学 至善青年学者

2018.04    浙江省医药卫生科技奖二等奖

2017.09    Travel grant from the Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden

2013.12    澳大利亚教育部 2014 Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Research Fellowship(澳大利亚-长江研究学者奋进奖学金,全球所有Endeavour Research Fellowship 获奖者中的 Top 5

2011         浙江大学医学部“杏林学术之星”

2010         浙江大学基础医学院POSTER作品竞赛二等奖

2009.11    第四届COA国际学术大会“优秀论文奖”


2023.10   盛仁旺、陈祉璇、王铭悦、郑昊天、胡力之、池佳宇、刘佳、佟思齐第十八届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛终审决赛,主赛道全国特等奖(第一指导教师)

2023.05   盛仁旺、王铭悦、郑昊天、陈祉璇、池佳宇、佟思齐、胡力之、刘佳,第十八届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛江苏省选拔赛,特等奖(第一指导教师)

2021.12   朱爱静、罗一帆、张艾妮、池佳宇、郑昊天,“第七届全国大学生基础医学创新研究暨实验设计论坛总决赛”,金奖+最佳学术奖(唯一指导教师)


陈佳林,男,1987年生。本科至博士毕业于浙江大学,201810月入职东南大学医学院,副教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向为利用组织工程原理实现富含胶原组织(肌腱、软骨、角膜等)的修复与再生,着重关注在此过程中物理微环境(力学、拓扑结构、基底硬度)对干细胞行为和分化命运的调控作用。已发表SCI论文50余篇(总影响因子>450,被引3600余次,H指数29),其中一作和通讯论文30余篇(10分以上9篇),发表在 Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Advanced Science, Biomaterials, Bioactive Materials 等杂志


2009.09 - 2014.06 浙江大学基础医学院,硕博连读,干细胞和再生医学专业

          导师:欧阳宏伟 教授

2014.01 - 2014.05 澳大利亚西澳大学,访问学者

          导师:郑铭豪 教授

2005.09 - 2009.06 浙江大学竺可桢学院,本科,生物科学专业


2018.10 - 至今   东南大学医学院,副教授

2014.09 - 2018.08 瑞典于默奥大学,博士后

           导师:Patrik Danielson 教授







Discover Applied Sciences 期刊副主编

Biomimetics 期刊编委

Military Medical Research 期刊青年编委

Interdisciplinary Medicine 期刊青年编委

Biomedicines 首席客座编辑(2023

Stem Cells International 期刊客座编辑2017-2018

Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 期刊首席客座编辑(2017

兼任30本国际知名SCI期刊的审稿人,期刊包括 Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials,Biomaterials,Bioactive Materials, Small,Military Medical Research


       目前作为 Biomedicines (IF=4.7) 期刊的首席客座编辑,负责Special Issue "Repair and Regeneration of Tendon, Cartilage and Cornea"。欢迎投稿!














  《再生医学:基础与临床》 2013,人民卫生出版社

  《疫苗工程学》 2020,东南大学出版社


1. Sun YZ#, Sheng RW#, Cao ZC, Liu CQ, Li JX, Zhang P, Du Y, MoQY, Yao QQ*, Chen JL*, Zhang W*. Bioactive fiber-reinforced hydrogel to tailor cell microenvironment for structural and functional regeneration of myotendinous junction. Sci Adv. 2024, accepted (IF=13.6)

2. Tong SQ#, Sun YZ#, Kuang BA, Wang MY, Chen ZX,Zhang W*, Chen JL*. A Comprehensive Review of Muscle-tendon Junction: Structure, Function, Injury and Repair. Biomedicines. 2024, 12(2), 423(IF=4.7)

3. ZhuY#, Chen JL#, LiuHY#, Zhang W*. Photocrosslinked Hydrogels for Cartilage and osteochondral Repair. ACS Biomater Sci Eng, 2023, 9(12), 6567-6585 (IF=5.8)

4. Sheng RW#, Liu J#, Zhang W#, Luo YF, Chen ZX, Chi JY, Mo QY, Wang MY, Sun YZ, Liu CQ, Zhang YN, Zhu Y, Kuang BA, Yan CG, Liu HY, Backman LJ, Chen JL*. Material Stiffness in Cooperation with Macrophage Paracrine Signals Determines the Tenogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Advanced Science, 2023, 2206814 (IF=15.1)

5. Chen JL*, Mo QY, Sheng RW, LongQZ, Chen ZX, Liu CQ, Zhang AN, Luo YF, Liu J, Zhang W*. Stiffness-dependent dynamic effect of inflammation on keratocyte phenotype and differentiation. Biomedical Materials, 2023, 18, 045001 (IF=4.0)

6. Zhang YN#, Sheng RW#, Chen JL#, Wang HM#, Zhu Y, Cao ZC, Zhao XY, Wang ZM, Liu CQ, Chen ZX, Zhang P, Kuang BA, Zheng HT, Shen CL, Yao QQ, Zhang W*. Silk Fibroin and Sericin Differentially Potentiate the Paracrine and Regenerative Functions of Stem Cells Through Multiomics Analysis. Adv Mater, 2023: e2210517 (IF=29.4)

7. Chen JL#*, Mo QY#, Long QZ, Sheng RW, Chen ZX, Luo YF, Liu CQ, Backman LJ, Zhang YN, Zhang W*. Hydroxycamptothecin and substratum stiffness synergistically regulate fibrosis of human corneal fibroblasts. ACS Biomater Sci Eng, 2023, 9(2), 959-967 (IF=5.8)

8. Zhang P#, Chen JL#, Sun YZ, Cao ZC, Zhang YN, Mo QY, Yao QQ*, Zhang W*. 3D Multifunctional Bi-layer Scaffold to Regulate Stem Cell Behaviors and Promote Osteochondral Regeneration. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2023, 11(6), 1240-1261 (IF=7.0)

9. Cao ZC#, Wang HM#, Chen JL#, Zhang YN, Mo QY, Zhang P, Wang MY, Liu HY, Bao XY, Sun YZ, Zhang W*, Yao QQ*. Silk-based hydrogel incorporated with metal-organic framework nanozymes for enhanced osteochondral regeneration. Bioact Mater. 2023;20:221-242. (IF=18.9)

10. Chi JY#, Wang MY#, Chen JL#, Hu LZ, Chen ZX, Backman LJ, Zhang W*. Topographic Orientation of Scaffolds for Tissue Regeneration: Recent Advances in Biomaterial Design and Applications. Biomimetics. 2022, 7, 131 (IF=4.5)

11. Sheng RW#, Chen JL#, Wang HM#, Luo YF, Liu J, Chen ZX, Mo QY, Chi JY, Ling C, Tan X, Yao QQ, Zhang W*. Nanosilicate-Reinforced Silk Fibroin Hydrogel for Endogenous Regeneration of both Cartilage and Subchondral Bone. Adv Healthc Mater.2022:e2200602. (IF=10.0)

12. Chen ZX#, Zhang W#, Wang MY, BackmanLJ, Chen JL*. Effects of zinc, magnesium and iron ions on bone tissueengineering. ACS Biomater Sci Eng,2022, 8(6), 2321-2335. (IF=5.8)

13. Mo QY#, Zhang W#, Zhu AJ, Backman LJ, Chen JL*. Regulation of osteogenic differentiation by thepro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α: Current conclusions and controversies. Human Cell, 2022, 35(4), 957-971. (IF=4.3)

14. Zhang W*, Zhang YN, Li XL, Cao ZC, Mo QY, Sheng RW, Ling C, Chi JY, Yao QQ*, Chen JL*, Wang HM*. Multifunctional polyphenol-based silk hydrogel alleviates oxidative stress and enhances endogenous regeneration of osteochondral defects. Materials Today Bio, 2022,14:100251. (IF=8.2)    

15. Zhang AN#, Zhang W#, Backman LJ,Chen JL*. Advances in Regulatory Strategies of Differentiating Stem Cells towards Keratocytes. Stem Cells International 2022, 2022: 5403995 (IF=4.3)

16. Chen JL*, Mo QY, Sheng RW, Zhu AJ, Ling C, Luo YF, Zhang AN, Chen ZX, Yao QQ, Cai ZY*, Zhang W*. The application of human periodontal ligamentstem cells and biomimetic silk scaffold for in situ tendon regeneration. Stem Cell Res Ther 2021;12:596 (IF=7.5)

17. Liu H#, Chen J#, Qiao S#,Zhang W*. Carbon-Based Nanomaterials for Bone and Cartilage Regeneration: A Review. Acs Biomater Sci Eng 2021, 7:4718-4735. (IF=5.8)

18. Zhang W*, Zhang YN, Zhang AN, Ling C, Sheng RW, Li XL,Yao QQ*, Chen JL*. Enzymatically Crosslinked Silk-Nanosilicate Reinforced Hydrogel with Dual-Lineage Bioactivity for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering. Mat Sci Eng C-Mater. 2021,127:112255. (IF=7.9)

19. Zhang W*, Ling C, Li XL, Sheng RW, Liu HY, Zhang AN, Jiang YJ, Chen JL*, Yao QQ*. Cell-Free Biomimetic Scaffold with Cartilage Extracellular Matrix-Like Architectures for In Situ Inductive Regeneration of Osteochondral Defects. ACS Biomater Sci Eng 2020,6, 6917-6925. (IF=5.8)

20. Sheng RW, Jiang YJ, Backman LJ, Zhang W*, Chen JL*.The application of mechanical stimulations in tendon tissue engineering. StemCells International 2020, 2020: 8824783. (IF=4.3)

21. Chen J*, Backman LJ, Zhang W, Ling C, Danielson P*. Regulationof keratocyte phenotype and cell behavior by substrate stiffness. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2020. 6(9): 5162-5171. (IF=5.8)

22. Zhang W*, Ling C, Zhang AN, Liu HY, Jiang YJ, Li XL,Sheng RW, Yao QQ*, Chen JL*. An all-silk-derived functional nanosphere matrix for sequential biomolecule delivery and in situ osteochondral regeneration. Bioactive Materials. 2020, 5:832-843. (IF=18.9)

23. Zhang W*, Ling C, Liu HY, Zhang AN, Mao L, Wang J, Chao J, Backman L, Yao QQ*, Chen JL*. Tannic Acid-Mediated Dual Peptide-Functionalized Scaffolds to Direct Stem Cell Behavior and Osteochondral Regeneration. Chem Eng J. 2020, 396:125232. (IF=15.1)

24. Chen J#, Zhang W#, Backman LJ, Kelk P, and Danielson P*. Mechanical stress potentiates the differentiation of periodontal ligament stem cells into keratocytes. Br J Ophthalmol 2018; 102; 562-569 (IF=4.1)

25. Chen J#, Zhang W#, Kelk P, Backman LJ, and Danielson P*. Substance P and Patterned Silk Biomaterial Stimulate Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells to Form Corneal Stroma in a Bioengineered 3D Model. Stem Cell Res Ther 2017;8:260 (IF=7.5)

26. Chen J#, Zhang E#,Zhang W, Liu Z, Lu P, Zhu T, Yin Z, Backman, LJ, Liu H, Chen X*, Ouyang HW*.Fos Promotes Early Stage Teno-Lineage Differentiation of Tendon Stem/ProgenitorCells in Tendon. Stem Cells Transl Med.2017. 6(11): 2009-2019. (IF=6.0)

27. Chen JL,Lan J, Liu DL, Backman LJ, Zhang W, Zhou QJ*, Danielson P*. Ascorbic Acid Promotesthe Stemness of Corneal Epithelial Stem/Progenitor Cells and Accelerates Epithelial Wound Healing in the Cornea. Stem Cells Transl Med. 2017; 6(5): 1356-1365.(IF=6.0)

28. Chen J, Chen P, Backman LJ, Zhou Q*, Danielson P*. Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor Promotes the Migration of Corneal EpithelialStem/progenitor Cells by Up-regulation of MMPs through the Phosphorylation of Akt. Sci Rep 2016;6:25870. (IF=4.6)

29. Chen JL, Zhang W, Liu ZY, Zhu T, Shen WL, Ran JS, Tang QM, Gong XN, Backman LJ, Chen X, Chen XW, Wen FQ*, Ouyang HW*. Characterization and comparison of post-natal rat Achilles tendon-derived stem cells at different development stages. Sci Rep 2016;6:22946. (IF=4.6)

30. Chen JL, Zhang W, Liu ZY, Heng BC, Ouyang HW*, Dai XS*. Physical regulation of stem cells differentiation into teno-lineage: current strategies and future direction. Cell Tissue Res 2015. 360(2):195-207.(IF=3.6)

31. Shen WL#, Chen JL#, Zhu T, Yin Z, Chen X, Chen LK, Fang Z, Heng BC, JiJF, Chen WS*, Ouyang HW*, Osteoarthritis prevention through meniscalregeneration induced by intra-articular injection of meniscus stem cells. Stem Cells Dev, 2013. 22(14): p. 2071-82. (封面文章, IF=4.0)

32. Zhang W#, Chen JL#, Tao JD, Hu CC, Chen LK, Zhao HS, Xu GW, HengBC, Ouyang HW*. The promotion of osteochondral repair by combined intra-articular injection of parathyroid hormone-related protein and implantationof a bi-layer collagen-silk scaffold. Biomaterials, 2013. 34(25): p. 6046-57. (IF=14.0, 被引89)

33. Shen W#, Chen J#, Yin Z, Chen X, Liu H, Heng BC, Chen W*, OuyangHW*. Allogenous tendon stem/progenitor cells in silk scaffold for functional shoulder repair. Cell Transplant 2012;21(5):943-958. (IF=3.3, 被引133)

34. ChenJL#, Yin Z#, Shen WL, Chen X, Heng BC, Zou XH, Ouyang HW*. Efficacy of hESC-MSCs in knitted silk-collagen scaffold for tendon tissue engineering and their roles. Biomaterials 2010. 31(36):9438-9451. (IF=14.0, 被引271)

35. LiJ, Zhou X, Chen J, Eliasson P,Kingham PJ, Backman LJ*. Secretomefrom myoblasts statically loaded at low intensity promotes tenocyte proliferationvia the IGF-1 receptor pathway. FASEB J,2023.37(10): p. e23203. (IF=4.8)

36. Wang YF#, Ling C#, Chen JL, Liu HY, Mo QY, Zhang W*, YaoQQ*. 3D-printed composite scaffold with gradient structure and programmed biomolecule delivery to guide stem cell behavior for osteochondral regeneration. Biomaterials Advances, 2022, 140: 213067.

37. Zhang W*, Chen JL, Qu ML, Backman J, Zhang AN,Liu HY, Zhang XP, Zhou QJ*, Danielson P*. Sustained release of TPCA-1 from silkfibroin hydrogels preserves keratocyte phenotype and promotes cornealregeneration by inhibiting interleukin-1β signaling. Adv Healthc Mater. 2020,9(17): e2000591. (IF=10.0)

38. He SQ, Ruan DF, Chen YW, Ran JS, Chen X, Yin Z, TangCQ, Huang JY, Heng BC, Chen JL, Chen WS*, Shen WL*, Ouyang HW. Characterizationand Comparison of Postnatal Rat Meniscus Stem Cells at Different DevelopmentalStages. StemCells Transl Med. 2019, 8:1318-1329.(IF=6.0)

39. El-Habta R*, ChenJL, Pingel J, Backman LJ. Tendinosis-like changes in denervated ratAchilles tendon. BMC Musculoskelet Disord.2018, 19:426. (IF=2.3)

40. Zhang W, Li Y, Jiang DM, Xie SJ, Zeng MF, Chen JL, Chen LK, Ouyang HW*, Zou XH*.Promotion of Hernia Repair with High-Strength, Flexible, and Bioresorbable SilkFibroin Mesh in a Large Abdominal Hernia Model. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering2018 4 (6), 2067-2080.(IF=5.8)

41. Spang C*, Backman LJ, Le RS, Chen J, Danielson P. Glutamate signaling through the NMDA receptorreduces the expression of scleraxis in plantaris tendon derived cells. BMC Musculoskelet Disord.2017. 18(1): 218. (IF=2.3)

42. Zhang W, Chen L, ChenJ, Wang L, Gui X, Ran J, Xu G, Zhao H, Zeng M, Ji J, Qian L, Zhou J, OuyangH*, Zou X*. Silk Fibroin Biomaterial Shows Safe and Effective Wound Healing inAnimal Models and a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Adv Healthc Mater2017.6. (封面文章, IF=10.0)

43. Zhang W, Chen J,Backman LJ, Malm AD, Danielson P*. Surface Topography and Mechanical StrainPromote Keratocyte Phenotype and Extracellular Matrix Formation in a Biomimetic3D Corneal Model. Adv Healthc Mater.2017. 6(5). (封面文章, IF=10.0)

44. Spang C*, ChenJ, Backman LJ. The tenocyte phenotype of human primary tendon cells invitro is reduced by glucocorticoids. BMCMusculoskelet Disord. 2016;17:467.(IF=2.3)

45. Yin Z#, Hu JJ#, Yang L, ZhengZF, An CR, Wu BB, Zhang C, Shen WL, Liu HH, Chen JL, Heng BC, Guo GJ, Chen X*, Ouyang HW*. Single-cell analysis reveals anestin+ tendon stem/progenitor cell population with strong tenogenicpotentiality. Science Advances, 2016. 2(11):e1600874-e1600874. (IF=13.6)

46. Yin Z#, Chen X#, Song HX, Hu JJ,Tang QM, Zhu T, Shen WL, Chen JL,Liu H, Heng BC, Ouyang HW*. Electrospun scaffolds for multiple tissuesregeneration in vivo through topography dependent induction of lineage specificdifferentiation. Biomaterials2015;44:173-185. (IF=14.0)

47. Tang QM, ChenJL, Shen WL, Yin Z, Liu HH, Fang Z, Heng BC, Ouyang HW*, Chen X*. Fetal andadult fibroblasts display intrinsic differences in tendon tissue engineeringand regeneration. Sci Rep2014;4:5515. (IF=4.6)

48. Shen WL, ChenJL, Zhu T, Chen LK, Zhang W, Fang Z, Heng BC, Yin Z, Chen X, Ji JF, Chen WS*,Ouyang HW*. Intra-Articular Injection of Human Meniscus Stem/Progenitor CellsPromotes Meniscus Regeneration and Ameliorates Osteoarthritis Through StromalCell-Derived Factor-1/CXCR4-Mediated Homing. Stem Cells Transl Med, 2014.3(3): p. 387-94. (IF=6.0)

49. Chen X#, Yin Z#, Chen JL, Liu HH, Shen WL, Fang Z, ZhuT, Ji JF, Ouyang HW, Zou XH*. Scleraxis-overexpressed human embryonic stemcell-derived mesenchymal stem cells for tendon tissue engineering with knittedsilk-collagen scaffold. Tissue Eng Part A,2014. 20(11-12): p. 1583-92. (IF=4.1)

50. Fang Z, Zhu T, Shen WL, Tang QM, Chen JL, Yin Z, Ji JF, Heng BC, Ouyang HW, Chen X*. Transplantationof fetal instead of adult fibroblasts reduces the probability of ectopicossification during tendon repair. TissueEng Part A, 2014. 20(13-14): p.1815-26. (IF=4.1)

51. Shen W#, Chen X#, Hu Y, Yin Z,Zhu T, Hu J, Chen J, Zheng Z, ZhangW, Ran J, Heng BC, Ji J, Chen W*, Ouyang HW*. Long-term effects of knittedsilk-collagen sponge scaffold on anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction andosteoarthritis prevention. Biomaterials 2014;35(28):8154-8163. (IF=14.0)

52. Zhang W, Chen J,Tao J, Jiang Y, Hu C, Huang L, Ji JF*, Ouyang HW*. The use of type 1 collagenscaffold containing stromal cell-derived factor-1 to create a matrixenvironment conducive to partial-thickness cartilage defects repair. Biomaterials2013;34(3):713-723. (IF=14.0)

53. Chen X#, Yin Z#, Chen JL, Shen WL, Liu HH, Tang QM, FangZ, Lu LR, Ji JF*, Ouyang HW*. Force and scleraxis synergistically promote thecommitment of human ES cells derived MSCs to tenocytes. Sci Rep, 2012. 2: p.977. (IF=4.6)

54. Zou XH, Jinag YZ, ChenJL, Chen X, Ouyang HW*. Tissue engineering for soft tissue regeneration. Science. 2012 April:(Suppl:regenerative medicine in China): 33-34. (Science专刊)

55. Zhang W, Chen J,Zhang S, Ouyang HW*. Inhibitory function of parathyroid hormone-related proteinon chondrocyte hypertrophy: the implication for articular cartilage repair. Arthritis Res Ther2012;14(4):221. (IF=4.9)

56. Yin Z#, Chen X#, Chen JL, Shen WL, Hieu NT, Gao L, OuyangHW*. The regulation of tendon stem cell differentiation by the alignment ofnanofibers. Biomaterials 2010;31(8):2163-2175. (IF=14.0)

57. Shen W, Chen X, Chen J, Yin Z, Heng BC, Chen W*, Ouyang HW*. The effect of incorporation of exogenous stromalcell-derived factor-1 alpha within a knitted silk-collagen sponge scaffold ontendon regeneration. Biomaterials2010;31(28):7239-7249. (IF=14.0)

58. Yin Z#, Chen X#, Chen JL, Ouyang HW*. Stem cells fortendon tissue engineering and regeneration. ExpertOpin Biol Ther2010;10(5):689-700. (IF=4.6)

注:上述标注均为2022年度影响因子:2022 JournalCitation Reports (Clarivate Analytics 2023)