
(1) 纤维增强高性能水泥基复合材料及其在工程结构抗震中的应用;

(2) 预制装配式结构的抗震性能提升关键技术研究与应用;

(3) 高性能纤维增强复合材料(FRP)及其工程应用;

(4) 工程结构抗震加固与改造。


(1) Yuan Fang, Pan Jinlong*, Leung C.K.Y.,Flexural behaviors of FRP reinforced cementitious composite beams,ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, 2013.4, accepted.

(2)Zhou Jiajia, Pan Jinlong*, Leung C.K.Y., Mechanical Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Engineered Cementitious Composites in Uniaxial Compression, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, in press, 2013.

(3) Yuan Fang, Pan Jinlong*, Xu Zhun, Leung CKY, A comparison of engineered cementitious composites versus normal concrete in beam-column joints under reversed cyclic loading, Materials and Structures, 2013(46):145-159, 2013.

(4) Zhou Jiajia, Pan Jinlong*, Leung C.K.Y ,Li zongjin, Experimental Study on Mechanical behaviors of Pseudo-Ductile Cementitious Composites under Biaxial Stresses. Science China, Technological Sciences (Science in China Series E), 56(4):963-969, 2013.

(5)Pan Jinlong*, Xu Zhun, Leung CKY, Li Zongjin, Analytical and Numerical Modeling of FRP Deboning from Concrete Substrate under Pure Shearing, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science Edition), 27(1):142-148, 2012.

(6) Pan Jinlong*, Yuan Fang, Luo Min, Leung CKY, Effect of composition on flexural behaviors of engineered cementitious composites, Science China, Technological Sciences (Science in China Series E), 55(1):1-9, 2012.

(7) Pan Jinlong* and Leung C.K.Y., Effect of multiple secondary cracks on FRP debonding from the substrate of reinforced concrete beams, Construction and Building materials, 24(12)2507-2516,2010.

(8) Pan Jinlong and Leung, C.K.Y*. Effect of Tapering on Crack-induced FRP Debonding from Concrete Substrate, ASCE J. of Composites for Construction, 12(1), 15-24, 2008.

(9) Pan Jinlong*, Christopher K.Y. Leung, Effect of concrete composition on interfacial parameters governing FRP debonding from the concrete substrate, Advances in Structural Engineering, 12(5), 627-637, 2009.

(10) Pan Jinlong*, Trevor, C.F. Chung and Christopher K.Y. Leung, FRP debonding from concrete beams under various load uniformities, Advances in Structural Engineering, 12(6): 807-819, 2009.

(11) Pan Jinlong and Leung, C.K.Y*. Debonding along the FRP/Concrete Interface under Combined Pulling/Peeling Effects,Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 74(1/2):132-150, 2007.

(12) Pan Jinlong* and Leung, C.K.Y. Effect of Concrete Composition on FRP/Concrete Bond Capacity, ASCE J. of Composites for Construction, 11(6), 611-618, 2007.