
眼睛是心灵之窗,视觉疾病对生活质量影响巨大。本人在国外高水平实验室接受博士训练和开展博士后研究,长期专注于视觉领域,主要在膜蛋白功能水平揭示某些视网膜疾病的致病机制,为治疗提供新的可能。主要成果包括:1) 研究视觉细胞特有的ABC转运蛋白ABCA4的结构-功能关系,为相关类型视网膜黄斑病变的表征提供了分子水平的解释;2)研究视黄醇结合蛋白(RBP)的细胞膜表面受体STRA6对维生素A的转运机制,证明维生素A由STRA6内部的通道穿过细胞膜,而非通过脂双层渗透进入细胞;3)发现色素上皮衍生因子(PEDF)的细胞表面特异性受体PLXDC1/PLXDC2,对于治疗视网膜退行性病变及糖尿病性视网膜病变具有重大意义,使得针对受体开发小分子药物成为可能。申请人在视觉领域积累了广泛的成果,对相关课题具有深入的认识,发表多篇研究论文及综述(均被SCI收录,最高影响因子32.242,总引用近300次)


Kawaguchi R, Zhong M, Kassai M,Ter-Stepanian M, Sun H (2015). Vitamin A Transport Mechanism of theMultitransmembrane Cell-Surface Receptor STRA6. Membranes (Basel) 5(3):425-53.

ZhongM,Hui Sun H (2015). A Genetic Clog in the Vitamin A Transport Machinery. Cell.161: 3 435-437.

ChengG *, Zhong M *, Kawaguchi R *, Kassai M, Muayyad Al-Ubaidi M, Deng J,Ter-Stepanian M, Sun H (2014). Identification of PLXDC1 and PLXDC2 as thetransmembrane receptors for the multifunctional factor PEDF. eLife 3 :e05401.(*此三作者贡献相等)

ZhongM, Kawaguchi R, Kassai M, Sun H (2014) Apo-RBP, Holo-RBP, andInsulin Resistance. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 34:11 2105-2106

TerraR, Wang X, Hu Y, Charpentier T, Lamarre A, Zhong M, Sun H, Mao J, Qi S,Luo H, Wu J (2013). To Investigate the Necessity of STRA6 Upregulation in TCells during T Cell Immune Responses. PLoS One. 8(12): e82808.

ZhongM, Kawaguchi R, Mariam Ter-Stepanian, Miki Kassai, Hui Sun*VitaminA transport and the transmembrane pore in the cell-surface receptor for plasmaretinol binding protein. PLoS One. 8(11):e73838.

KawaguchiR, Zhong M, Kassai M, Ter-Stepanian M, Sun H (2013). Differential andIsomer-specific Modulation of Vitamin A Transport and the Catalytic Activitiesof the RBP Receptor by Retinoids. J Membr Biol. 246(8):647-60.

KawaguchiR, Zhong M, Sun H (2013). Real-time Analyses of Retinol Transport by theMembrane Receptor of Plasma Retinol Binding Protein. J Vis Exp (71), e50169.

KawaguchiR, Zhong M, Kassai M, Ter-Stepanian M and Sun H (2012). STRA6-CatalyzedVitamin A Influx, and Exchange. J Membrane Biol. 245(11):731-45.

ZhongM, Kawaguchi R, Kassai M and Sun H (2012). Retina, Retinol,Retinal and the Natural History of Vitamin A as a Light Sensor. Nutrients.4(12), 2069-2096, Review.

KawaguchiR, Yu J, Ter-Stepanian M, Zhong M, Cheng G, Yuan Q, Jin M, Travis GH,Ong D, Sun H (2011). Receptor-mediated cellular uptake mechanism that couplesto intracellular Storage. ACS Chem Biol. 6(10): 1041-51.

ZhongM, Molday RS (2010). Binding of retinoids to ABCA4, thephotoreceptor ABC transporter associated with Stargardt macular degeneration.Methods Mol Biol. 652:163-76.

Molday RS, Zhong M,Quazi F (2009). The role of the photoreceptor ABC transporter ABCA4 in lipidtransport and Stargardt macular degeneration.

BiochimBiophys. Acta. 1791 (7): 573-83.

ZhongM, Molday LL, Molday RS (2009). Role of the C-terminus of thephotoreceptor ABCA4 transporter in the protein folding, function and retinaldegenerative diseases. J Biol Chem. 284 (6):3640-9.

MoldayRS, Beharry S, Ahn J, Zhong M (2006). Binding of N-retinylidene-PE toABCA4 and a model for its transport across membranes. Adv Exp Med Biol.572:465-70.

Beharry S, Zhong M,Molday RS (2004). N-retinylidene-phosphatidylethanolamine is thepreferred retinoid substrate for the photoreceptor-specific ABC transporterABCA4 (ABCR). J Biol Chem. 279 (52): 53972-9.