1. Peng Xin-Gui,LiCong,BaiYingying,WangXinyi,ZhangYi,AnYanli,TengGao-Jun,JuShenghong. Non-Invasive Evaluation of the Migration Effect of TransplantedEndothelial Progenitor Cells in Ischemic Muscle using a multi-modal imagingagent. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2018, 18:1-11.
2. Peng Xin-Gui, Wang Yuancheng, Zhang Shijun, Bai Yingying, Mao Hui, Teng Gao-Jun, JuShenghong. Noninvasive assessment of age, gender, and exercise effects onskeletal muscle: Initial experience with T1 ρ MRI of calf muscle. J Magn ResonImaging. 2017, 46(1):61-70.
3. PengXinGui, Bai Yingying, Judy R. James, Darya P. Shlapak, Ju Shenghong. TransplantedEndothelial Progenitor Cells Improve Ischemia Muscle Regeneration in Mice byDiffusion Tensor MR Imaging. Stem Cells International. 2016, 3641401.
4. Peng Xin-Gui, Bai YingYing, Fang Fang, Wang XinYi, Mao Hui, Teng Gao-unJ, JuShenghong. Noninvasive Quantification of Renal Lipid and Oxygenation inDiabetic Mice by Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Radiology, 2013,269(3):748-757.
5. Peng Xin-Gui, Shenghong Ju, Fang Fang, Yu Wang, Ke Fang, Xin Cui, George Liu, Peng Li,Hui Mao, Gao-Jun Teng. Comparison of Brown and White Adipose Tissue FatFractions in ob, seipin and Fsp27 Gene Knockout Mice by Chemical ShiftSelective Imaging and 1H MR Spectroscopy. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2012,304(2): E160-167.
6. Peng Xin-Gui, Shenghong Ju, Yujiao Qin, Fang Fang, Xin Cui, George Liu, Yicheng Ni,Gao-Jun Teng. Quantification of liver fat in mice: comparing dual-echo Dixonimaging, chemical shift imaging, and 1H-MR spectroscopy. Journal of lipidresearch. 2011, 52(10):1847-55.