








1.Yan Lv#,Haijun Zhang*(通讯作者).Effect of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease on the Risk of Synchronous LiverMetastasis: Analysis of 451 Consecutive Patients of Newly Diagnosed ColorectalCancer. Frontiers in Oncology. 2020;10: Article 251

2. Shi Zhou#, Haijun Zhang*(通讯作者).Synergiesof Targeting Angiogenesis and Immune Checkpoints in Cancer: From Mechanism toClinical Applications.Anti-CancerAgents in Medicinal Chemistry. 2020; 20:768-776.

3.JingchaoHe#, Haijun Zhang*(通讯作者). The antitumor effect oflobaplatin against Ishikawa endometrial cancercells in vitro and invivo. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2019;114:108762

4.ShiZhou#, Samrat Khanal, and Haijun Zhang*(通讯作者). Risk of immune-related adverse events associatedwith ipilimumab-plus-nivolumab and nivolumab therapy in cancer patients.Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management. 2019;15:211-221.

5. Yan Lv#, Nishant Patel and Haijun Zhang*(通讯作者).Theprogress of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease as the risk of liver metastasisin colorectal cancer. Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2019;13(12):11691180.

6. Yuxia Deng#, Ting Qiu, Nishant Patel , Shi Zhou, TaoXue and Haijun Zhang*(通讯作者).ClinicalManagementofRiskofRadiationPneumonia withSerum Markers During the Radiotherapy for Patients with Thoracic MalignantTumors.Cancer Management andResearch 2019;11:1024910256.

7. Jian Xiong#, Shuhan Han#, Shuang Ding, Jingchao Heand Haijun Zhang*(通讯作者).Antibody-nanoparticle conjugate constructed with trastuzumab and nanoparticlealbumin-bound paclitaxel for targeted therapy of human epidermal growth factorreceptor 2-positive gastric cancer. Oncology Reports. 2018; 39(3):1396-1404.

8. Shuang Ding#, Jian Xiong, Dan Lei, Xiaoli Zhu*(通讯作者). Haijun Zhang*(通讯作者). Recombinant nanocomposites by the clinical drugs of Abraxane® andHerceptin® as sequentially dual-targeting therapeutics for breast cancer. Journal ofcancer. 2018; 9(3):502-511.

9. Shuang Ding#, Nishant Patel, and Haijun Zhang*(通讯作者).CiclosporinA as a Reversal Agent Against Concurrent Multidrug Resistance in Tumors withNanobubbles. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology. 2018;14:190197.

10. 胡雪娥, 史丽芸, 孟春玲, 刘超, 王小艳, 张海军*(通讯作者).左右半结肠癌生物学特征的差异及常用病理标志的临床意义. 中国临床研究.2018;31(12):1669-1673.

11.Patel Nishant#, Pingping Wu, Haijun Zhang*(通讯作者). Comparison of gefitinib as first- and second-linetherapy for advanced lung adenocarcinoma patients with positive exon 21 or 19del epidermal growth factor receptor mutation. Cancer Management and Research2017; 9: 243-248.

12.Shuang Ding#, Haijun Zhang*(通讯作者). Improved antitumor efficacy of paclitaxel withnanoformulation in breast cancer. Nanotechnology Reviews. 2017; 6(3): 291299.

13.Haijun Zhang#*(通讯作者)PatelNishant, Shuang DingJian Xiong , Pingping Wu. Theranostics for hepatocellular carcinoma withFe3O4@ZnO nanocomposites. Biomaterials Science. 2016;4(2):288-298.

14.Haijun Zhang#*(通讯作者). Onivyde for the therapy of multiple solid tumors. OncoTargets andTherapy. 2016; 9:3001-3007.

15.Haijun Zhang #*(通讯作者). Erythrocytes in nanomedicine: an optimal blend of natural and syntheticmaterials. Biomaterials Sciences. 2016; 4(7):1024-1031.

16.Haijun Zhang #*(通讯作者). Osimertinib making a breakthrough in lung cancer targeted therapy.OncoTargets and Therapy. 2016; 9:5489~5493.

17. Haijun Zhang #*(通讯作者). Three generations of epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinaseinhibitors developed to revolutionize the therapy of lung cancer. Drug DesignDevelopment and Therapy. 2016; 10:3867~3872.

18. Jie Yang# , Haijun Zhang#(共同一作) and Baoan Chen*.Application of nanoparticles toreverse multi-drug resistance in cancer.Nanotechnol Rev 2016; 5(5): 489496.

19.Haijun Zhang #*(通讯作者). Apatinib for molecular targeted therapy in tumor. Drug Design,Development and Therapy. 2015;9: 60756081.

20.Haijun Zhang#*(通讯作者), Nishant Patel, Jian Xiong, Shuang Ding. Targeting and noninvasivetreatment of hepatocellular carcinoma in situ by ZnO nanorod-mediatedconcurrent chemoradiotherapy. RSC Advances. 2015;5(104): 8572085729.

21.Haijun Zhang#*(通讯作者), Nishant Patel, Jian Xiong, Shuang Ding. Targeting and noninvasivetreatment, Jian Xiong, Liting Guo, Nishant Patela, Xueneng Guang. Integratedtraditional Chinese and western medicine modulator for overcoming the multidrugresistance with carbon nanotubes. RSC Advances. 2015;5(87):71287-72196.

22. Liting Guo#, Haijun Zhang#(共同第一), weiwei Shao,Baoan Chen*(通讯作者). Crizotinib as a personalized alternative for targetedanaplastic lymphoma kinase rearrangement in previously treated patients withnon-small-cell lung cancer.DrugDesign, Development and Therapy 2015:9 54915497.

23.Pingping Wu, Shang Li, Haijun Zhang*(通讯作者), Nishant Patel, Jian Xiong, Shuang Ding. Targetingand noninvasive treatment. Design real-time reversal of tumor multidrugresistance cleverly with shortened carbon nanotubes. Drug Design, Developmentand Therapy. 2014;8:2431-8.

24.Haijun Zhang#*(通讯作者), Yongfeng Shan , Lijun Dong.A Comparison of TiO 2 and ZnO Nanoparticles as Photosensitizers inPhotodynamic Therapy for Cancer.Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology. 2014;10:1450-1457.

25.Yuxia Deng#, Haijun Zhang*(通讯作者). The synergistic effect and mechanism ofdoxorubicin-ZnO nanocomplexes as a multimodal agent integrating diverseanticancer therapeutics. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2013,8:1835-1841.

26.Haijun Zhang#*(通讯作者). Multifunctional Nanomedicine Platforms for Cancer Therapy. Journal ofNanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2012, 12(5): 4012-4018.

27.Haijun Zhang#, Cailian Wang, Baoan Chen*, Wang,Xuemei. Daunorubicin-TiO2 nanocomposites as a "smart" pH-responsivedrug delivery systemInternational Journal of Nanomedicine, 2012, 7:235-242.

28. Haijun Zhang#, Baoan Chen*, Hui Jiang, CailianWang, Huangping Wang, Xuemei Wang*. A strategy for ZnO nanorod mediatedmulti-mode cancer treatment. Biomaterials, 2011, 32(7):1906-1914.

29. Haijun Zhang#, Hui Jiang#, Feifei Sun, HuangpingWang, Juan Zhao, Baoan Chen*, Xuemei Wang*. Rapid diagnosis of multidrugresistance in cancer by electrochemical sensor based on carbon nanotubes-drugsupramolecular nanocompositesBiosensors and Bioelectronics, 2011, 26(7):3361-3366.

30. Haijun Zhang #, Hui Jiang, Huangping Wang, JuanZhao, Baoan Chen*, and Xuemei Wang*.Ultrasound Mediated Drug-LoadedNanoparticles Crossing Cell Membranes as a New Strategy to Reverse CancerMultidrug Resistance. Journalof

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2011;11:18341840.

31. Haijun Zhang#, HuiJiang, Xuemei. Wang* , and Baoan Chen* . Reversion of Multidrug Resistance inTumor By Biocompatible Nanomaterials.Mini-Reviews inMedicinal Chemistry. 2010; 10:737-745.
