

致病菌感染的第一步是细菌黏附于宿主细胞。菌毛存在于细菌表面,由菌毛蛋白结构亚基聚合而成,是革兰氏阴性菌重要的毒力因子。菌毛介导细菌与宿主细胞的黏附,帮助细菌躲避宿主防御系统,促进与感染、耐药相关的生物被膜(biofilm)形成,且菌毛蛋白为原核生物所特有,因此菌毛是抗感染药物的理想靶标。作为细菌附属器官,以菌毛为靶点的抗菌药的优点在于阻断细菌对宿主细胞的识别、黏附却不抑制细菌生长,这种抗感染方式可以减轻药物赋予细菌的压力,从而减少甚至消除抗性发生。菌毛最主要的生物合成途径是分子伴侣/引领蛋白(chaperone/usher, CU)通路,最近我们在粘细菌中鉴定了一条 CU通路,目前聚焦该通路介导蛋白分泌的分子过程和调节机制,为作用机制独特的抗感染药物研制提供新靶点。


主要以类风湿性关节炎(RA)为代表。RA是常见的慢性进行性炎症性自身免疫病,其病理特征为炎性细胞增生浸润为主的滑膜炎症并侵及软骨和骨,导致关节破坏、功能障碍甚至残废,在我国RA患病率超过0.3%,全球患病率达0.5%RA一直无特效疗法,1998年全球第一个治疗RA的生物制剂TNFα单抗的诞生使RA治疗取得突破性的进展,但TNFα阻断剂仅在60-70% RA患者显示疗效,且这种治疗作用往往只是部分改善关节炎症和骨质损伤本实验室致力于RA发病分子机制研究,以发现、鉴定新的RA诊断标记和治疗靶标。





Xiaohua Mao, Zhenyi Su, Adnan K. Mookhtiar. Long non-coding RNA: a versatile regulator of the NF-κB signaling circuit.  Immunology 2017, 150(4):379-388.

Gui Zhao, Zhenyi Su , Dan Song, Yimin Mao, Xiaohua Mao. The long noncoding RNA MALAT1 regulates the lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation response through its interaction with NF-kB. FEBS Lett. 2016, 590:2884.

Daoyong Wang, Shihui Xu, Dan Song, Stefan Knight, Xiaohua Mao.  A gene encoding a potential adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate kinase is necessary for timely development of Myxococcus xanthus. Microbiology 2016, 162(4):672-83.

Shanshan Cao, Miaomiao Wu, Shihui Xu, Xiuwen Yan, Xiaohua Mao. Identification of a putative flavin adenine dinucleotide-binding monooxygenase as a regulator for Myxococcus xanthus development. J Bacteriol 2015, 197(7):1185-1196.

Juanli Duan, Jinlai Dong, Tiantian Zhang, Zhenyi Su, Jie Ding, Yu Zhang, Xiaohua Mao. Polyethyleneimine-functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles for systemic siRNA delivery in experimental arthritis. Nanomedicine 2014; 9(6):789.

Miaomiao Wu, Shihui Xu, Wei Zhu, Xiaohua Mao. The archaic chaperone-usher pathways may depend on donor strand exchange for intersubunit interactions. Microbiology 2014; 160:2200.

Wei Zhu, Miaomiao Wu, Shanshan Cao, Yongxing Peng, Xiaohua Mao. Characterization of McuB, a periplasmic chaperone-like protein involved in the assembly of Myxococcus spore coat. J Bacteriol. 2013;195(13):3105-14.

Tiantian Zhang, Xuehua Bai, Xiaohua Mao. Systemic Delivery of Small Interfering RNA Targeting the Interleukin-2/15 Receptor β Chain Prevents Disease Progression in Experimental Arthritis. PLoS ONE 2013; 8(11): e78619.

Xiaoyan Leng, Wei Zhu,Jing Jin, Xiaohua Mao. Evidence that a chaperone–usher-like pathway of Myxococcus xanthus functions in spore coat formation. Microbiology 2011, 157:1886–1896

Deling Wang, Xianglei Deng, Xiaoyan Leng, Xiaohua Mao. Interleukin-15 receptor-directed immunotoxins atteunuate disease severity in rat adjuvant arthritis. Mol Immunol 2010, 47:1535-43