Research Fields

(a) Urban and regional economics: concerning the basic theory of regional economy, regional planning and analysis, enterprise clusters and regional innovation, neourbanization development strategy, innovative city and innovative metropolitan, the Yangtze River Delta regional economic and other special field. And he participated in nearly 20 kinds of planning or soft science research project, concluding the key project of the National Social Science Fund. In recent years, he has done a lot of research work in the area of strategic planning, cultural community planning, tourism planning, science and technology park planning and other aspects.

Many research results have been adopted by all levels of government and have played a positive role in the development of local economy.

(b)  Urban and regional  economic History: in early years, he systematically studied the history of regional development, Chinese city economic history, especially had done the profound research on the ancient city economy, Chinese economic space changes and the shift of economic gravity etc..

(c) Marxism political economics: mainly related to the oriental theory of social economic formation.

(d) International Trade: he undertook a task on China's accession to the GPA negotiations and offered a price list and the function of government procurement policy and other important research entrusted by the Ministry of Finance, the Finance Department of Jiangsu Province, Economicand Information Technology Commission.

(e) Other


Honor Reward
Academic Achievements